today i want to reveal my baju bertandang designer etiquette.
the chronicle was:
mid April 2010 ~ sent the material to him. he promised to give quotation within a week.
End of may 2010~ haram xnampak bayang quotation. when we asked he said will give in few days which end up few months. reason??bz nk bukak new studio..xdpt nk hire PA..hello be professional la.dont give reason that makes u look stupid
Early June 2010 ~ we make up story kata our W day bring in advance sbb family nak we all kawen bfore puasa. we also mentioned if he's not interested to design our dress than we will take back the material..he kept saying "berminat2"
Mid June 2010 ~ barula nampak bayang quotation. 1 muka surat je pon.apesal smpai 2 bulan amik masa..patut 2 bulan da siap da tau..padahal masa memula hantar kain we all stated nak amik kain itu in July. June should be 1st fitting already
Mid July 2010~ 1st fitting. boleh pulak kau buat cepat lepas kitorng tipu kata W day 080810??
1 Aug 2010 ~ patut da mik baju this just dpt bj groom sbb my dress still not fit well
4 Aug 2010 ~ he couried my dress
5 Aug 2010 ~ my dress sampai.
bleh korng imagine if let say my W day betul2 8 Aug, the dress i dpt 5 Aug??habis aku xpayah nikah?xpayah sanding kt umah aku ke? xbz ke?xpayah nk cari kasut match?xpayah nk laundry??
and the dress not impressed me at all.sob sob
beads yang dia buh are not jahit..all tampal pakai gam..tercabut2 ok.lepas tu bleh plak sebelah kiri ade bead, sebelah kanan xde FMIL yg perasan sbb aku mls nk tgk da dress tuh.
owh xde plak pic dress itu..sbb xminat & xkesah & x excited pon nk mik ada kt FMIL dia nk p tambah beads
aku tau la aku ni customer picisan je..bile kau bg quotation aku try nego the price.
tp klu ko xagree on the price,say fix price and aku bleh amik balik kain tuh.
itu belum masuk kau xconsidere langsung aku dtg jauh dari perak, da set appoinment sesuka ati postpone. ingat aku p kl jupa ko sorg je ke??aku xde keje lain kat kl. janji kul 6, kul 7 baru nmpak muka.sangat xpandai jg ati customer. call susah nak angkat.sms pon payah nak reply. return call lagi la...
based on my experience amatlah xdigalakkan cooperate dgn dia if uols bukan dok kl.
banyakkan bersabar
tipu tarikh kawen uols
tgk FB hasil gorjes, tapi baju aku xgorjes pon
aku rasa byk designer mmg ceni. Nik erwan pon byk gak aku tgk org complaint.
nak tau dia.
tgk link ni--> siapa saya??
Kanda Segalanya, Dindalah Nyawa
4 weeks ago
when u mentioned pindah butik baru..I dah terdetik dah THAT designer. sekali tengok link, betul erk die. Suppose die yang "dah ada" nama ni...kene la jage customer kan? beading pakai gam? WTH???
Sabar babe. Nasib baik ur fmil tolong tambah beading.
I dulu nak gak buat kat dia..then ntah kenapa, I tak ctc pon die ni for quo. nasib baik kan?
wahh really shomir izwa? Ade dengar byk good reviews psl dia, tp bad reviews pon ade dgr jugak.. taktau mane satu nk percaya, or maybe dia ni kes kalau customer org kaya, lain treatment kot.. huhu..
Takpelah awk, sabar je.. just tambah je beads and 'repair' mane2 yg patut.. insyaAllah gorgeous je nanti :)
Hem...sabar je la ek...thanks for sharing info ~ maybe betul ckp sakura dia treat customer lain2 ~ k yang penting kita jgn putus asa tau =)
xkisah designer ke wedding planner ke skrg byk crite yg dorg ni pilih bulu kn...
saba eh. mybe bile dh tmbah beads tu mesti cntik baju u nnti.gudluck babe
Tula kan. Tp klu customer kaya raya je dia nk layan, apesal xmention je dia xleh nk amik any tempahan da kn. Xpayah la nk bisnes deal dgn org2 tak bduit ni. Org yg xbduit ni la sgt appreciate the money n rs sedih when hasil tahape2. Klu org kaya senang je la kn bile xpuas ati tempah bj len. N aku sgt2 xfrenly dgn dia sbb xde chemistry lgsg. Tunang soh sabar2 sBb takut nnti dia sabotage our dress. Bile da sampai kt tgn tu yg xsabar2 nk share dgn b2b len :)
lorhh kesian u. Ni kalau kat Ipoh I tengok jahit cantik, dekat area Greentown Business Centre tu. Dah lah murah, upah jahit RM180 je. I cadang nak hantar jahit kat situ je.=))
Kesian u, bengong punya designer buat orang macam tu, tak berkat lah rezki dia macam tu. Haishh! Takpe, biar dia jawap kat akhirat kang
ainee kat jln eastern decorator pekan ipoh pon ade tailor yg cantik..let me know k klu u nk...mmg i biasa tempah situ..takat chiffon dia jahit kemas giler..i wat dress tu pasal anto kt designer sbb klu anto kt tailor kite yg kena design which mmg la i xde idea kn...
syomir izwa? i think since dia pindah butik ni he concentrate more on the red carpet laa. tue yang xminat dah tgk design dia. xrecommend kat sape2 pon dah.. design pon dah bukan2..
now syomir dah dpt byk publisiti..byk sponsor artist & kuar wanita hari ini etc..mesti he even arrogan skang kn..sometime jeles when i see certain wedding dress dia sgt gojes, tp nape mine xsegojes itu?haishh
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