xpenah story pasal kad kawen kot.
nak cite la history of my kad kawen to be..ngeee
at first, ceee survey kad kawen kat bandung..disebabkan xcukup kedai, i only managed to look at 1 shop inside pasar baru..hardcover card yg ok sume above 2.50 kot sekeping include shipping (so uols leh la bajet2 if nk beli kt sana ok). tp it's above my budget.. lupa lak, klu amik card tu without hard cover thingy beza dlm 10-20 sen kot..pelik kan?
so lupakan hasrat kad kawen bandung..tp ade la idea2 kad kat sana konon2 nk custom made sendiri
so mula la operasi mencari designer kad..skecth kad...siap idea tampal magnet kat kad so people can tampal kat pc or fridge (magnetic fridge la konon) ahahah
sambil tuh survey paper material..cari 250gsm centu..
pas mintak quotation from designer, ade jugak yg sampai skang xbagi, we both decided g jupa ilikecard cik faizah :)
then da jatuh chenta dgn kad dia..
so suh dia buat utk we all
idea ala magnetic fridge da superseded sbb mhl la plak
anyway saya nk kad wane turqouise+brown mcm kat bawah ni..tomelll
now tgh finalize the design, walimatul & map..
excited jugak nk tgk hasilnye
faizah, awak buat cantek2 tau!
Kanda Segalanya, Dindalah Nyawa
4 weeks ago
memang cantek..!!! yeah..gojes..!!
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