hahaha mcm iklan slimming program plak kan?
no..bukan itu..
ini 5 minit je dah menawan..;p
ever heard of SPANX brand?
they are offering lots of body shaper, bra, tight, maternity etc...
how they work?
exactly similar effect with conventional corset.
tapi dengar2 with good material which means comfortable, xde kedut2 kain, tidak panas..
dengar2 nye la..and hollywood celebrity also using this brand..tertarik tak korng?saje aku nak goda..utk menambahkan effect ketergodaan itu sila la tgk sendiri kat website mereka ye..
below sket2 picca utk dilayan..
slim cognito shape suit $98
higher power $36
hide & sleek hi-rise panty $42-$46
cane nak beli?
spanx does not ship to malaysia..
kecewa x?
hahaha suke aku bermain dgn emosi..
no worry, they have listed their retailers and amazingly ade satu ni ship to malaysia (why most of online shop can ship to singapore, but not malaysia??restriction, is it?)
so if da pilih mana da berkenan, browse this online shop "get me bebeh ahax2" ataupon di sini "no more cellulite"
i did make u happy today, didn't i?
xleh review..just placed my order last week ngeee
owh, nordstrom accept malaysia credit card ye but u need to divert the package to USA first before some1 can help u to ship to malaysia..
but freshpair accept paypal & ship to malaysia directly, i ordered at frespair, just now notice kat nordstrom also having this brand
so guys cepat2 la order cos shipping will take 3-4 weeks time :P
ini 5 minit je dah menawan..;p
ever heard of SPANX brand?
they are offering lots of body shaper, bra, tight, maternity etc...
how they work?
exactly similar effect with conventional corset.
tapi dengar2 with good material which means comfortable, xde kedut2 kain, tidak panas..
dengar2 nye la..and hollywood celebrity also using this brand..tertarik tak korng?saje aku nak goda..utk menambahkan effect ketergodaan itu sila la tgk sendiri kat website mereka ye..
below sket2 picca utk dilayan..

cane nak beli?
spanx does not ship to malaysia..
kecewa x?
hahaha suke aku bermain dgn emosi..
no worry, they have listed their retailers and amazingly ade satu ni ship to malaysia (why most of online shop can ship to singapore, but not malaysia??restriction, is it?)
so if da pilih mana da berkenan, browse this online shop "get me bebeh ahax2" ataupon di sini "no more cellulite"
i did make u happy today, didn't i?
xleh review..just placed my order last week ngeee
owh, nordstrom accept malaysia credit card ye but u need to divert the package to USA first before some1 can help u to ship to malaysia..
but freshpair accept paypal & ship to malaysia directly, i ordered at frespair, just now notice kat nordstrom also having this brand
so guys cepat2 la order cos shipping will take 3-4 weeks time :P